You can also access most of our records back to January 1, 1974, and further online at:
Don't Be Misled! We have local residents who have received letters or who search for information online and end up paying anywhere from $79.99 to $99.99 to obtain copies of their documents. These sources are PRIVATE COMPANIES and are not government offices. They are only selling you something that is free from our office or cost about 10 cents a page to obtain from us. If you have a company offering to obtain copies of your records, it is only a scam for money! It is not illegal in Ohio to sell copies of public records, but they are taking advantage of you! There is only one record recorded in our office that is not a complete public record. DD214's commonly called a Veteran's Military Discharge are not a full public record but anyone can get a heavily reduced copy of a DD214. Veterans' Service Offices, Funeral Directors performing burial services for a veteran and the veteran themself can get an unredacted certified copy from us free of charge.
All of the information these companies try to sell you are available for viewing free at the Ross County Courthouse Offices. Most of our county offices have many records available online on the Official Ross County Website at Kathy Dunn and her knowledgeable staff will assist you with obtaining these documents in our office while you wait. Our records are an exact copy of your document as it was filed and recorded. Although rarely needed if you need a certified copy the cost is $5.00 for the 1st page and $2.00 for each additional page. You can access most of our records back to January 1, 1974 and even further online at: where you can download them and copy them free from your home system.
It is important to know that after recording your Original Deed you do not have to have the Original Deed to get a mortgage or to sell your property. It is not like an auto title and your home cannot be transferred to another person using the Original Deed in any way. If the Original Deed is lost, stolen or damaged because of a flood or fire a certified copy obtained directly from the Recorder’s Office is as good as having the original.
Ross County, Ohio Recorder